
Saint Michael’s recruiting for Hospice Nurses: vacancies available

We currently have vacancies for nurses to join our Harrogate team on a bank or permanent basis.

Hospice nurse vacancies closing this month

Could you be a nurse at our hospice? We’re looking for health care professionals to join us in a hugely fulfilling role. 💜

Permanent nurse vacancy: https://bit.ly/SaintMichaelsNurse

Bank nurse vacancy: https://bit.ly/3PyEIJF

– Both roles close March 27

In a job at Saint Michael’s, you could make a huge difference to families like Gail’s: “We could relax with the Saint Michael’s team because we knew Mum was getting such good care.”

Lizzie Teggin from our inpatient team says: “I couldn’t have asked for a better team. They’re so supportive.”

Hear more from Lizzie in this video:

We’re recruiting for other roles too!

View all of our current vacancies via our Join our Team page.

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