
Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift to Saint Michael’s

Leaving a gift in your will to Saint Michael’s, however big or small, helps us look after local people who need our support.

Once you’ve taken care of your family and friends, gifts in will left to Saint Michael’s enable us to continue providing our care now and as we plan for the future.

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Your gift makes such a difference

Did you know that one in five of our patients is cared for thanks to a gift left in a will?

How your gift supports our care

1 in 5 of our patients is cared for thanks to gifts left in wills, making these very special donations incredibly important to the services we provide today, and helping ensure we are there for people who need us in the future.

Find out more about the impact we make, thanks to you

How to leave a gift in your will

A solicitor is best placed to write your will or make a change to an existing one and can provide advice about the different types of gift you can make to Saint Michael’s. Most people choose to leave a percentage of their estate to charity (known as a residuary gift), as this will ensure that your gift keeps up with the rates of inflation over time.

Get in touch

If you would like to remember Saint Michael’s in your will, or if you’d like more information about the impact your gift will make to our care, we would love to chat to you.
T: (01423) 878 628 or
E: supportercare@saintmichaelshospice.org.

Our annual Make a Will Month

Every Spring, Saint Michael's works with participating local solicitors to give you the chance to make a will or amend your will. You have an opportunity to leave a legacy to the people and organisations that you care about the most, while supporting local hospice care.

*Please note that Make a Will Month 2023 has ended - stay tuned for future campaigns*