
“I’m so passionate about the care we give to people and it is a privilege to be a part of the team”

House&Home shop manager and healthcare assistant Becca Haigh shares her experiences

Becca Haigh manages our fantastic House&Home shop and is also a healthcare assistant providing support to people in the place they call home. Here she shares her experiences and what’s new in store.

“Saint Michael’s is like a big hug- all part of the journey of supporting families together. I wouldn’t change working here for the world.

“I first started with the charity over 17 years ago caring for patients at our Crimple House Hospice. During the pandemic, when our shops were closed and need for care greater than ever, I joined the HOME team to support patients and loved ones out in our community.

“Even once our House&Home shop reopened and returned to its usual busyness, I continued supporting the HOME team in the evenings after my shift since I loved it so much.

Find out about joining our team.

“I’m so passionate about the care we give to people and it is a privilege to be a part of the team.

“Its vitally important that we raise as much money as possible so that we can support those in need, and our shops are a big part of generating those funds.

We’re always keen to receive furniture donations! If you have items in good condition that we can collect for FREE in the Harrogate district, please call (01423) 563 230 or email houseandhome@saintmichaelsretail.co.uk 

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