Saint Michael’s Advance Care Planning (ACP) Service supports people living with any palliative diagnosis across the Harrogate district to make choices about their future care, ensuring care choices at the end of their lives are discussed and noted, so that they may be cared for with their wishes in mind.
The service is available to anyone across the Harrogate district with any palliative diagnosis, with support offered in a variety of places, including hospital settings, care homes, Saint Michael’s Hospice and at home.
A member of the Saint Michael’s team will discuss your preferences and priorities for your future care with you, as well as your care providers, ensuring you can share what matters most to you as part of your future care.
The service is funded by Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust and Macmillan Cancer Support, in partnership with Social Finance. It forms part of the Harrogate End of Life Planning and Support Service (HELPSS), which also includes access to helpline Goldline* – a 24 hour telephone support service.
*Your advance care planning nurse or practitioner may refer you to Goldline
Saint Michael’s is also hand to offer wider specialist support as part of its range of services, including wellbeing support, inpatient care and care at home. Find out more.
You can self-refer yourself to the service if you meet the criteria and feel you would benefit from our support. Please download and complete a self-referral form. If you have any queries while completing this form, or require any support, please contact our Hospice Services Team via or call (01423) 200 110.
Referrals can be made by healthcare professionals via SystmOne and Web V. Professionals can also download a professional referral form.